
Our Staff Is Amazing!

  • Lead Teachers have degrees or credentials in Education
  • ALL Teachers are trained in First Aid, CPR, Illness Management and Child Abuse Recognition
  • ALL Teachers are trained in Ohio Kindergarten Readiness Standards
  • Teachers do a developmental assessment of your child within 60 days of enrollment

Our Program Is Flexible!

  • YOU choose your child's schedule.
  • YOU choose whether or not your child attends for the summer!

Our Curriculum Is Awesome!

  • We use individual goal planning to challenge your child at his pace.
  • We use your child's learning style in one-on-one and small group settings.
  • We incorporate Kindergarten readiness into everything we do.
  • We use a Bible Theme with a Curriculum Theme and a letter of the week.
  • We rotate items in the classroom weekly to match these themes.
  • We use Intentional Teaching Strategies so that anything your child chooses has educational value.
  • We assess using portfolios, observations, and anecdotes and share this information with you 3 times per year with a detailed report card and conferences.